Oxion Fluorescence
For biological and medical applications fluorescence microscopes are used to observe certain parts of living cells and tissues with help of fluorophores. One or more fluorophores are added to the parts of the specimen to be observed. When the fluorophores are exposed to the so-called excitation light, the excitation energy is absorbed by the fluorophore which starts emitting so-called emission light that can be observed by the microscope. One can distinguish tumor cells from other cells, follow biological processes, or prove the presence or absence of antibodies, etc.
The Oxion microscopes for fluorescence are equipped with an epi-illumination with a 100 W mercury vapor lamp. The fluorescence attachment has a rail for a maximum of 4 filter cubes. The FluoLed model is equipped with a 455 nm LED and one filter cube, specially developed for efficient and fast detection of tuberculosis by the Auramine-O fluorochrome. Other FluoLED wavelengths are also available.