Automated Microarray Spotter

Swift, Accurate, and Efficient Microarray Printer for Peptides, DNA, and Cells.
SPOT synthesis technique utilizing cellulose supports, combined with Aurora’s liquid handling technology, has given birth to the VERSA series microarray printer (microarrayer). Aurora’s extensive expertise in life science robotics has seen an increased need for scientific personnel to seek automated solutions for peptide synthesis and other microarrays. Aurora developed the VERSA series automated microarray spotter and modules such as the nano-pipettor head, which allows for simple distribution of reagents—this helps in conducting grams to milligrams of combinatorial chemistry using contact or non-contact spotting.

• High-Throughput Reagent Spotting
• Drug-Eluting Microarray
• Peptide Synthesis
• Tissue Microarray
• CHIP Production
• Cancer Research
• Precision Medicine
• DNA Microarray
• Protein Microarray
• Biomedical Imaging


  • 21 Vasco Boulevard
  • Goodwood
  • 7460
  • South Africa
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