DrySyn Overhead Stirring

Vortex Overhead Stirrer

DrySyn Vortex overhead stirrer system offers our customers the ability to work with higher viscosity materials in parallel, where magnetic stirring is not strong enough or where materials could be damaged by the grinding effect of a magnetic stirring bar.
A mechanical gearbox converts the drive of one standard overhead stirrer motor into 3 shafts for powerful overhead stirring, with heating provided by any standard laboratory heating plate.
The DrySyn Vortex perfectly compliments the standard range of DrySyn MULTI inserts for round bottom flasks, from 100 mL up to 500 mL.
Analytical Innovations, previously located at the University of Huddersfield under the group name IPOS, examined the mixing capabilities of the DrySyn Vortex overhead stirrer system and concluded the instrument as a useful addition to any laboratory conducting parallel synthesis. Have a look at the evaluation report shown on our “Downloads” tab and view the video too!
One example of where this system has been used with great effect is in the laboratories at Parogle Technologies Ltd. Here the chemists exploit the structure and novel 3D shape of their polymers to provide products with superior properties in a wide variety of applications from paints and lubricants to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Vortex Blend Overhead Stirrer

A new adaptation to the Asynt Vortex parallel overhead stirrer has been developed specifically to cater for the requirements of scientists who need to test new formulations and blends of ingredients in parallel in beakers.<br/ >The device is particularly relevant to blending and formulation scientists in the oil, cosmetics, cleansing and hygiene industries and is manufactured in the UK.


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