66:34 XRF Flux

X-ray Flux Type: 50:50 (50% Lithium Tetraborate / 50% Lithium Metaborate)
This flux is a general-purpose flux formulated for use with neutral samples.

50:50 XRF Flux

X-ray Flux Type: 66:34 (Lithium Tetraborate 66% / Lithium Metaborate 34%)
This eutectic flux is more “alkaline” than LT100 and is more suitable for alumino-silicates and calcareous refractories. The melting temperature is 875 degrees C.
This flux is used extensively in Europe and is very similar in application and properties to the 50:50 flux used in the US.

Custom X-ray Flux

Depending on the application, borate fluxes are not always the most suitable solution.
• Lanthanum-based fluxes
• Sodium-based fluxes (sodium tetraborate)
• Fluoride-based fluxes
We can make all X-ray Flux formulations according to any customer requirement. Please contact us and let our dedicated staff assist you in meeting your specific X-ray Flux needs. XRF Scientific has developed internal standard fluxes, which have been shown to give very high-precision results for analyzing nickel, iron ore, and copper. In some instances, internal standards can eliminate the need to carry out high-temperature “loss of ignition,” with significant cost and time benefits.

Lithium Metaborate

X-ray Flux Type: LM100
Lithium metaborate, LiBO2, is often referred to as the ICP flux. Its melting point is 845 °C. Because it reacts quickly with acidic samples, it is called a “basic” flux. LiBO2 is suitable for wet chemistry applications.

Lithium Tetraborate

X-ray Flux Type: LT100
This flux is classified as “acidic” and is generally used for samples containing higher concentrations of basic oxide or samples containing high proportions of limestone. However, it is not suitable for highly acidic samples.
A significant disadvantage of this flux is the relatively high melting temperature (925 degrees C), which causes accelerated wear on platinum apparatuses and fusion equipment. In most parts of the world, this flux is being replaced by eutectic pre-fused mixtures of lithium tetraborate/lithium metaborate, which give very satisfactory results with significantly lower melting temperatures, thereby prolonging platinum labware life and fusion apparatus.

Pre Weighed Flux

Are you looking to remove the time and hassle of weighing flux at your lab? Not to mention the errors that can arise in your results from inaccurate flux weighing.
XRF Scientific can provide pre-weighed vials of flux customized entirely for your requirements. When weighing, choose your flux type, weight, and tolerance level. The pre-weighed flux is packaged in high-quality vials and can be individually labeled with the flux weight.
At your lab, you can dose the flux into a platinum crucible and mix it with a sample or load your sample directly into the vial.

Ultra High Purity Fluxes

At XRF Scientific, we are experienced in supplying flux to small research laboratories and the world's most extensive mining and commercial laboratory facilities. The lower detection levels sought in the analysis have increased the requirements for higher purity fluxes for the sample preparation processes in XRF and ICP analysis.
We can offer a wide range of ultra-high purity fluxes for your laboratory processes from the highest quality raw chemicals commercially available. These fluxes are routinely used in ICP and laser ablation processes on a commercial basis. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

Key Features:
• Grades of 99.999% and above
• Lithium Tetraborate, Lithium Metaborate, and all the eutectic mixtures in between
• Granular or micro-beads (spherical) physical format
• Non-hygroscopic vitreous particles
• High density to ensure the flux stays inside the crucible during agitation processes
• Fully integrated additives such as lithium bromide, lithium iodide, and oxidizing agents
• Low lead times, generally available from our stock
• Complete quality guarantee of the finished product you will receive
• Certificate of analysis upon request

12:22 XRF Flux

X-ray Flux Type: 12:22 (Lithium Tetraborate 35.3% / Lithium Metaborate 64.7%)
This eutectic flux is “alkaline” and has universal application, particularly for alumino-silicates and more acidic oxides. It is generally less prone to cracking and is suitable for most materials such as iron ore, mineral sands, cement, nickel ore, and general laboratory analysis.
This flux’s melting temperature is significantly lower than the above fluxes at 825 degrees C, prolonging the life of platinum ware and fusion apparatus. This flux formula was initially developed in Australia and is used exclusively by the iron ore, mineral sands, uranium, nickel, and cement industries.


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